Vote People!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Okay, I'm sure you all see that wonderful poll over there- to the left in the sidebar.  See it?  Here's the reason it's there. 
I'm planning a Best of 2010 kind of thing.  My blog is called The Bucket List and my wish, in the near future, is to corporate lists in as daily posts.  In these lists, that Nora and I are trying to create to start in 2011, will have a subject each week- much like Books That You Love To Hate.  Nora and I will pick our top 5 together and our daily polls (that I have pointed out one to you) will be a sort of Reader's Choice.  So, the sixth choice will be picked by you!

However, if my wonderful followers and great guests do not vote on the poll, there will be no Reader's Choice each week.  I'm really trying to make this fun and get you involved. 
So, all I can say is: vote!  Have fun with this!
The Bucket List of Best of 2010 week will start in the week of December 26 through the end of the year. 
Best of luck to all your votes and have a wonderful, happy holidays!

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