Hoppin' Around

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Friday, the best day of the week! And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from Crazy-for-Books.com are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

In light of the Summer Solstice. Also known as Midsummer...let's talk about fairies. What is your favorite fairy tale or story that revolves around the fae?
I really don't like reading books about the fae.  I'm always very hesitant to read them, at least.  However, when I first read Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr a few years ago, I had to read the rest in the series.  I love that series, but still haven't had a chance to read Darkest Mercy, which I hear is fantastic. 

When did you realize reading was your passion and a truly important part of your life?
I hated to read when I was younger.  In school, I would always skim my way through books.  I always had better things to do, I suppose.  (Which I didn't, but that is probably what I thought back then.)  I was a movie buff (still am), not a reader.  It wasn't until I saw this beautiful movie, Tristan and Isolde (starring James Franco and Sophia Miles), that I felt I needed to read something about the Romeo and Juliet-like couple.  I begged my school librarian to order the books just for me; she let me keep them over the whole summer while I poured over each word, hung onto every page, and I don't even think I ate a thing for a whole two days (reading the first in the series).  The books, starting with Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle, is not something a 7th grader should be reader, but it did get me reading.  After that I couldn't stop reading, that's probably when I realized that reading is much better than a lot of things. 

I'm really looking forward to all of your responses on today's questions.  I definitely want to hear about other great fae books that I might be missing out on.  Happy graduation for all those graduates this weekend (I'm graduating tomorrow)!  Have a lovely weekend! 

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  1. I've read the first book in Melissa Marr's series and have the rest on my list to read eventually. I LOVE Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle! I've never met anyone else who's read it. I have to read the rest of the series, but have gotten so caught up in other books that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm so glad that reading that got you into reading. :-) Happy graduation, and congrats!

  2. Hopping through. I was never a movie person (still don't have the focus to watch most movies) but I was a big TV person. Took awhile to keep books at the forefront.
    My Hop

  3. Just hopping through. Great blog. I'm a total movie person! Congrads!

  4. Reading is better then most things :) (Found your blog from Book Blogger Hop!)
