
Friday with a Case of Sunburn

Friday, July 01, 2011

Yeah, it's Friday, but the reason I may not be too happy about it is because, due to the craziness that has been my workplace (I work on a farm) this week, I have a bad case of sunburn.  Not cool.  I am just happy that the farm waited until my graduation was finished to go into overdrive.  But in better news, it is Friday, the best day of the week! And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from Crazy-for-Books.com are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

ACK! Your favorite book/movie character (example Hermione Granger played by the Emma chick) just walked into the room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? You get extra points if you include visual stimulation.
I saw Something Borrowed awhile back.  You can read the movie review HERE and my book review HERE.  Dexter is such a cutie in the book and it was great seeing him onscreen.  So if he, as in Dexter played by Colin Egglesfield, walked into the room?  I think I would scream, jump up and down a few times like a fangirl and then faint (in that order).  And maybe try to faint in his arms, of course.  He is just so adorable. 

What keeps you reading beyond the first few pages of a book, and what makes you want to stop reading a book and put it back on the shelf?
Usually I try really hard not to stop reading when I'm already a few pages in.  I guess, I'm stubborn and refuse to stop no matter what. 

So I definitely want to hear about your responses to today's questions.  Happy reading and hope you have lovely weekend!

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  1. Colin Egglesfield is quite the cutie... I agree. :)
    I am also the type that will most likely finish a book no matter what. Not sure why, but I just have to keep going.

  2. I still haven't had the chance to see Something Borrowed! I loved the book, though, and I would totally love to meet Dex.

    New follower :-) Happy Friday!

    Jessi @ Reading in the Corner

  3. Hey, new follower! Love your blog, and you sound just as stubborn as me. lol


  4. Oooh I loved Dexter from Something Borrowed :) Here's my FF!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  5. Hi, new follower stopping by! Great answers! Check out my blog hops post on my blog! Happy Friday :)

    Kristen @suchateenagebookworm.blogspot.com

  6. Hi Gina! I'd say I'm pretty stubborn too, I don't like to not finish a book. I keep thinking after I've stopped reading that maybe it was just about to get good and now I'm missing it by not reading;) I'm a new follower here and I hope you have a good weekend!

    Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

  7. Old follower, hopping by! I wish I was as determined as you to finish every book I pick up! But sometimes I just can't get into the story and I would just take me too long to finish because I wouldn't want to read it! Happy reading :)

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  8. I can't stop reading a few pages in either. I have to finish. What if it turns into an awesome book a couple chapters in? That happens a lot.

    Hopping through via Parajunkee. I'm having a giveaway on my blog this weekend, so please stop by!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  9. Hopping through. I will give up on a book, but I have to be really bored or annoyed to give it up.
    My Hop

  10. Hey, hopping through. I just saw your quote from Cassandra Clare's series. I recently read it and thought it was amazing. I picked Jace Wayland as my Follow Friday answer. New Follower!

    (Check out my giveaway if you get a chance!)

  11. I am now your friend on GFC. My answer to the Book Blogger Hop question.

    I started reading a book the last month and it was suppose to be a very good book. But after giving it a couple of chapters I just couldn’t get into it. I put the book aside to read another day. I don’t like to do that because I feel as if my mind might have had too many distractions and I didn’t give the book a chance. So I always try to wait for another day to give it another go. I have so many other books calling to me from my to-be-read list that it can really be distracting. READ ME! READ ME!
    I prefer reading and reviewing Christian Fiction but I do read a varity of other books. I just can’t handle too scary or gory. Suspense and Mysteries I like. No explicit adult books either if I do find one I really want to read I just skip over the x-rated stuff. So what genre do I read?

