
Waiting On Wednesday (Gone, Gone, Gone)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Every Wednesday participants choose a book that they are "waiting on" or hasn't been released yet. This week I'm waiting for:

Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz

Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publication Date: April 17, 2012
Pages: 272
PreOrder It: Amazon
It's a year after 9/11. Sniper shootings throughout the D.C. area have everyone on edge, trying to make sense of the random acts of violence. Meanwhile, Craig and Lio are just trying to make sense of their lives.

Craig's crushing on quiet, distant Lio, and preoccupied with what it meant when Lio kissed him...and if he'll do it again...and if kissing Lio will help him finally get over his ex-boyfriend, Cody.

Lio feels most alive when he's with Craig. He forgets about his broken family, his dead brother, and the messed up world. But being with Craig means being vulnerable, and Lio will have to decide whether love is worth the risk. --Goodreads
It took me a while to figure out what's going on in this summary.  It sounds very intriguing and I definitely want to read it.  I've heard great things about Hannah Moskowitz's work though I've never read any of her books.  I love the cover.  It speaks loneliness or some lonely, empty theme.  It will be interesting how this book plays out.  I look forward to reading it. 

What are waiting on this Wednesday?

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  1. I've heard this one is supposed to be great...Wonderful pick!

  2. I haven't hear of this one, but the summary is very intriguing. I agree with your thoughts on the cover. I may have to give this one a try. Thanks for visiting Reading Lark! I'm a new follower. :D

  3. Sounds like an interesting book! Great pick! I'll be looking for it now :) Thanks for pointing it out!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Interesting pick and the cover does convey lonliness and a bit of sadness.
    Truly Bookish

  5. Wow, that sounds like it could get pretty intense. Definitely different from the Flappers series. :)

    Thanks for stopping by Working for the Mandroid!

