
Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Friday!  The more I think about the day, the more I want to turn back the clock and say it is last Friday.  Because this is the last Friday I spend at home until March, which would be fine with me if it didn't mean I had to leave all my books behind.  : (  It is not cool.  I have so little room at college that I have no where to put any books, mostly because I only get 25% of the room, while the roommate likes to take up space with her massive wardrobe.  I don't mind that much really but I'd like to have more time to read and I just don't.  But don't worry; what does all this complaining have to do with The Bucket List and all of you awesome people?  Ultimately, really nothing.  I'll try to keep up with posting, which may be difficult the first week or so, getting into a new semester and all.  But I'm not going away because I have some awesome plans.  Next Monday, the day I leave, I will be leaving you with a contest, so be sure to come back on Monday to check it out.  Then in April, I will be hosting The Bucket List's annual book discussion.  I will be talking about Fallen by Lauren Kate, in celebration of the release of Rapture.  If you are interested in participating, be sure to contact me HERE.  It doesn't matter that this may be my last Friday at home for a long time, because Friday is just an awesome day of the week.  Because every Friday I get to participate in an awesome meme.  Follow Friday from Parajunkee is a meme, a great way to make new friends. Here's the question below:

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to get your hands on any particular book?
I'm not known for doing anything crazy so this question took some thought.  I'd have to say it was for Twilight.  My cousin thought I would love the book, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, because I was always into Dracula and The Historian.  She let me borrow her copy and I finished it in a day.  By the time I was finished, it was around midnight.  But Twilight couldn't just end like that so I needed to get my hands on New Moon.  So I had my father drive me to my cousin's house, at midnight, wake them all and ask for the sequel.  This may not sound so crazy, but believe me, I still think it was.  I was only 13 years old at the time and waking up everyone in the house, just to borrow a book sounds crazy to me.  I don't even think I started reading it right away because it must have been way past my bedtime.

So I want to hear all about your crazy stories.  Happy weekend!

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  1. Hahaha I think the craziest thing I've done is just stay up til midnight on a Tuesday reading Harry Potter when I was like 10

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  2. Haha I hate waiting for a sequel! though I am more patient than you, I would have driven out at midnight if I had the chance. At least you got it! I hope you have a happy Friday :)

    Here's my FF!

  3. :) Sequels are evil, and waiting is eviler.

    Thanks for stopping by! New follower.

  4. Haha that is the best one I've heard today!!!! It's not crazy per se but if I had done that I wouldn't have heard the end of it for weeks:p

    Awesome post, old follower:D


  5. Wow, that is pretty crazy! You must have wanted that sequel pretty bad. :P New follower.

    My FF post

  6. Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
    Following through NetworkedBlogs :)

    The Muggle

  7. Haha my family probably would have shut the door in my face and told me to come back at a decent hour! Makes for a good story though! :)

    Thanks for stopping by, following back!

    Radiant Shadows

  8. Great Blog! New follower, here’s mine

  9. Thanks for stopping by Ink Spots and Roses! Love you blog!

  10. Great story! I totally would have done the same! Luckily when I read Twilight, all of the books were out and I bought the boxed set so I just had to walk to my bookshelf to grab the next book. *New Follower*

  11. Mwaha! I loved this story... It's a *little* bit crazy, and if I had've finished Twilight in the middle of the night? I'd have done the same thing. As it was, I made up an excuse to drive past my cousin's house and borrow her copy of New Moon... like 'let's go to the beach... aaaaand drive past Lauren's house on the way there, yes?'

    Hehe :D
