Fallen Book Discussion (Week 10)
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Chapter 18: The
Buried War

Think about it!
1. From the
moment Mrs. Sophia stabs Penn, Luce knows she made a mistake trusting this
woman. Why did Mrs. Sophia change sides?
Or was she never on their side to begin with?
2. If you had to pick
a side in this battle, who would you fight for: Daniel or Cam? Why?
Chapter 19: Out
of Sight

Think about it!
1. Why do you
think Luce not getting baptized plays such a forceful role in her not being
able to reincarnate after this life? In
other words, what’s up with the huge role of religion in Luce’s life (lives)?
2. So Molly is a
fallen angel too, and on Cam’s side. Is
that why she treats Luce like poop? Why or why not?