Best of 2012: Books
Friday, December 28, 2012
Every year, the last full week of December is filled with posts for the Best of that present year and this year is no different. Every day, this week, will be a day to celebrate 2012 so we will be able to say goodbye to it on New Year's when we welcome 2013. Today, The Bucket List is showcasing the best books of the year:

Insurgent by Veronica Roth:Divergent was something new, exciting, and breathtaking. Veronica Roth took her second novel, Insurgent, to a whole new level. I connected with the characters so well. The plot is a crazy whirlwind of greatness that leaves you wondering why the third book in the series is not out yet. -read my review
Unraveling by Elizabeth NorrisIn all truth, I have not read this novel. My brother caught me while I was making the list and told me to put this one in. Unraveling is a thrilling novel in which you will be whisked away on an imaginative world that leaves you wanting more.

The Fault in Our Stars by John GreenThe Fault in our Stars is a beautifully-written piece of magic that belongs on everyone’s bookshelf. If you haven’t read it yet, please go grab a copy because John Green will just blow you away with a touching story. -read my review
I Hunt Killers by Barry LygaLyga is one of my favorite authors of all time. This new series is a new favorite of mine and I will definitely be purchasing the second novel releasing in 2013. The concept itself of the novel floored me: a serial killer's son helps the police find a killer.

Easy by Tammara WebberThis book is categorized as the new genre called new adult. Because of this novel, I am in love with this new genre. It was fantastic and truly relatable to a college girl such as myself.
What were your favorite books this year?
Unraveling and The Fault in Our Stars are both on my list for the top 5 of 2012!!! TFIOS is definitely on its way to becoming a classic.