Divergent Book Discussion (14)
Thursday, April 04, 2013
After cleaning up, Tris has to change. Discovering her clothes no longer fit, she
treks back to the room to get her dress but finds Peter’s gang in there
too. They bully her. When the fighting begins for training, Tris
is put against Molly. Tris wins.
Today's Topics:
Bullying and Tris beating up Molly
Bullying is a real problem in this book. Peter and his gang suck and even though they
may turn good, I will still see them as the bad guys. Doing this to poor Tris is unacceptable. Bullying is unacceptable. They could have just minded their own
business but, no, they had to mess with Tris.
Not cool.
I definitely understand Tris and her desire to beat up Molly
but I think she may have taken it too far.
It is times like this that I am glad she transferred out of Abnegation
because beating up Molly like this would not fly. I was surprised that Four was the one to pull
her apart from her fight. I wondered if
they were yelling at Tris after Molly was on the ground, to stop. Or did Four decide to tear her apart without
a warning. I loved that Four looked
scared because this was totally unexpected from Tris. I think Tris needs to take that walk because
even though she might not feel guilty, she needs to admit to herself that she
did lose control.
Was beating Molly up the right way to get back at Peter’s
gang? What would you have done?