Divergent Book Discussion (21)
Friday, April 19, 2013
Tris is number one in the second round for initiates and
Peter just can’t have that. Four saves
the day though!
Today's Topics:
Al and so-called Friends
I know that Tris’s
friends see her as the underdog, but I expected them to at least be a bit happy
for her when she got top rank. I mean come on, you are supposed to be her
friends for crying out loud. Jesse. I mean even Uriah, a guy who is her friend,
but not even a close one shows enthusiasm for her being number one. But what do
Christina, Will, and Al do? Well for starters, we know Al tries to kill her,
while Christina and Will are so upset with her for doing well. HORRIBLE
FRIENDS. I mean come on, you are supposed to be Dauntless, and I would think
that would be being courageous enough to CONGRATULATE YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR
BEATING YOUR BUTTS OUT OF FIRST RANK. But nope, you just want to moan and be
babies about the whole situation, so know what? I NO LONGER LIKE ANY OF YOU
besides Tris, Four, Uriah, or anyone else who actually SUPPORTS AND HAS FAITH
in Tris. Stop being babies and apologize to Tris… WELL GET TO IT… NOW!
This has got to be one of my favorite chapters because it’s
written in such a way that I want to go on forever but it feels like it is only
two pages. It is one of the best Four
and Tris moments. Here’s another side of
him that we did not see before.
Yeah, what is going on with these so-called friends. And, excuse me, what is Al doing helping
Peter and his gang out? Al is currently
busy trying to find himself and is in a tough spot. However, I don’t understand why he is there
in the first place. This is where I
start having no problem with Al, from this point onward. Al, in this scene, is depicted as a follower
and coward and, really, I wish he was stronger than that.
All her friends just drop her and I’m happy that Uriah and the
others are able to have a good time with her.
Plus, we get a little hand-holding action with Four and Tris. Oh, baby, I love those two together. More on that next week.
What would have you done if you were Christina, Al, or Will?