Divergent Book Discussion (23)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Today's Topics:
Playing Vulnerable and Al's return
Al is a poop face. I don’t blame Tris at all for not wanting to talk to him. I really wouldn’t want to talk to someone who tried to hurt, much less kill me. He is so lucky that Tris didn’t report the incident, otherwise him, Peter, and Drew would have been out of there. At least they would be Factionless. At this point, I think Peter, Drew, Molly, and Al deserve to be Factionless, they really have not done anything constructive for a while now. I vote them off the island.
I am not a fan of Tris being vulnerable, even though Four is definitely right in that department. She should be vulnerable, appear weak and secretly be strong. It is basically, exactly, what she was accused of doing a few chapters back when all her so-called friends found out about her ranking. So I think her pretending is a bad idea in the friend department but is good because its a good tool to beat the enemies.
I really have no feelings for Al. Yes, he is in a bad place and it is clear and evidently so. However, if he really wanted to talk to Tris, I think he would have made more of an effort or just come out and directly say why he did what he did. There is no excuse for what he did, but maybe it would have given him closure and maybe he would not have done the thing he does in the next chapter. Oh, well, Al.
Did you think Christina was even going to apologize for the flag incident at the beginning of the initiation process? Because I didn’t. Now I have to pay that person ten bucks…shoot….