BEA Countdown: 2 NYC Bookstores You Need to Check Out

Friday, May 23, 2014

BEA Countdown started off on Tuesday with the top five books I'm most excited for and Wednesday was the top four authors I can't wait to see.  Yesterday I updated you on three bookish events I will be attending next week.   Today, if it's you're first time going to NYC, you seriously need to check out these bookstores.  They are must sees for any book-lover who is going to NYC.

What book lover wouldn't love 18 miles of bookshelves?  At least four floors of lovely floor to ceiling bookshelves and books piled everywhere.  Plus, they sell used and new books which means discounted prices which is always the best!

If you like discounts, well this is a bookstore for you.  It has everything from books, a huge manga (Japanese comics) section (both in English and Japanese), CDs, and movies.  There's a whole section for awesome books for only a dollar.  

Make sure to check these out!  I hope to see you all during BEA!

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  1. You picked 2 excellent stores, but warning about them you have to really look though the shelves to find some excellent deals. BEA is going to be wonderful this year.

  2. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You have a wonderful blog! Keep it up!
