
Top Ten Fairy-tale Retellings

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is: Top Ten Fairy-tale Retellings.

Beastly by Alex Flinn --- Beastly was probably the first retelling I read.  It was so good that I purchased all the other retellings Flinn writes.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge --- Haven't read this one yet.  It's going to happen sometime soon because I've heard so many good things about it.

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine--- I read this way back in middle school and remember loving it.  The movie (complete with odd dancing numbers)--which doesn't follow the book at all-- will forever be a favorite of mine because Hugh Dancy.

Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble --- Another one I haven't read.  I bought this on mu Kindle a while back and really liked the sound of it.

A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan --- Sleeping Beauty with a twist? Yes, please.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer --- I am happily in love with this series.  Cannot wait for Winter to release in the fall!

Enchanted by Althea Kontis --- Acquired this at BEA one year and, unfortunately, haven't read it yet.  Love the cover though!

Entwined by Heather Dixon --- A retelling of the 12 Dancing Princesses.  It's magical.  (my review)

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas --- This is another one everyone is in love with at the moment.  I bought it the other day, succumbing to the pressure but haven't cracked the spine yet.

My Name is Rapunzel by K. C. Hilton--- I don't come across Rapunzel retellings often which is sad because I would totally read them.

What are your favorite fairy-tale retellings?

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  1. I keep hearing good things about A Long, Long Sleep, but I haven't read it. I might have to give it a try. :) And I also loved the Ella Enchanted movie primarily because Hugh Dancy, haha.

  2. My Name is Rapunzel sounds really interesting and I really want to read it! I came across it while making my list.

  3. My favorite are Melanie Dickerson's retellings - I've got them on My TTT list

  4. true I haven't come across Rapunzel stories often too! And I love Rapunzel!
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