Top Ten Authors I Would Love To Meet

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I have met quite a few authors in my blogging years, thanks to blogging conferences and author events. However, there are still some amazing authors, I have yet to meet and chat with. It would be an absolute treat to meet these authors as they have inspired me with their genius work.

Top Ten Tuesday is created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is: Top Ten Authors I Would Love to Meet.

Which authors are you dying to meet?

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  1. I have a couple of the same authors on my list - JK Rowling, Diana Gabaldon, and Marissa Meyer. Great list!

  2. I would probably faint if I ever actually met JK Rowling!
    My TTT:

  3. Outlander! yes! I would love to meet Diana Gabaldon!
    My TTT.

  4. I would love to meet Diana Gabaldon. Outlander got a bit too much for me, but what a creative writer! I'd love to talk with her about writing. Such an imagination!

  5. I would also love to meet so many of these authors, especially Cassandra Clare and J K Rowling!

  6. Yes, I would love to meet Diana Gabaldon in person too!! I love her Outlander series.

    I hope you meet all the authors on your TTT list this week. The cool thing is that I made a TTT post a couple of years ago of all the authors I wanted to meet in person some day and I ended up meeting three of them in person within a year!! I'm hoping to meet the rest of the authors on my TTT list some point in time!

    This week I choose to focus on the eleven authors I can't believe I've already met! Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  7. Yay Rowling!!! Not seeing enough of her today ironically! And ooh Janet Taylor!! I made a long road trip one day last year to meet her. She was only 5 hours away and it was a Saturday, so I thought, why not?! Rachel Caine I think was in the first 5 authors I ever met! Another road trip day, though I was still young and my mom took me to meet her. It was maybe 1 hour away that time! It was before her Morganville Vampires series as I remember her telling me she was still in the early stages of writing it! I was a BIG fan of her Weather Warden series!

    Great list of authors here! I hope you get to meet all of them one day!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Great choices! I should have added Rachel Caine to my list this week, too. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me
