The Disney Book Tag

Monday, September 25, 2017

By this time next week, I will be having a blast on vacation. My mom surprised me with a trip to Disney for my birthday. I cannot wait! I have just amount a time to do a quick post and pack and soon I’ll be off, living like a Disney princess for the week. “At last I see the light, and it’s like the sky is new.” Don’t mind me while I break out into Disney songs.

To celebrate my upcoming trip, I decided to do the Disney Book Tag. The Disney Book Tag was created by Kat from Katytastic on Youtube but I originally saw it done over at Rachaelrexds by Rachael. So let’s get right into some Disney magic:

The Little Mermaid - a character who is out of their element (a fish out of water)

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: Fangirl is incredibly relatable. It gives you the sense of what college is like. At least what college was like for me. Cath, the protagonist, does seem like a fish out of water. She always wanted to be in her room, writing her fanfic. College, the social aspect of it, didn’t fit her as well as her twin sister was drawn to it. As freshmen, students work to find where they fit in and until they do, it does seem like we are all swimming against the current.

Cinderella - a character who goes through a major transformation 

 disney magic dress cinderella getting ready GIF

Recreated by Colleen Houck: If you have been reading this blog, you would probably already know that I was disappointed in this sequel. I adored Reawakened which is about an Egyptian Prince who wakes in the History Museum in New York when the world is threatened by darkness. The world building was fantastic and the story was so good! Then the sequel happened and I wasn’t crazy about the transformation that one of the characters undertook. The book didn’t go in a direction that I expected.

Snow White - a book with an eclectic cast of characters

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo: My gang of awesome characters must go to the Dregs. Bardugo gives us such a diverse cast of people, all with specific talents. Believe me, by the end of the first book, you will love them all.

Sleeping Beauty - a book that put you to sleep

 disney crying aurora sleeping beauty maleficent GIF

Carrie Pilby by Caren Lissner: I don’t know what it was about this book but it just dragged on for me. I kept breaking between chapters because I couldn’t get through it. I don’t know if it was the characters or the overall pacing of the book, but Carrie Pilby was not for me.

The Lion King - a character who had something traumatic happen to them in childhood

And I Darken by Kiersten White: This book is dark. And I’m not talking Hunger Games dark which is sometimes filled with some laughter and romance. I’m talking: if you turned off all the lights dark. And I Darken is so intense and dark that the real question here is, what non-traumatic thing happened to these characters in childhood? That would be the more difficult question.

Beauty and the Beast - a beast of a book (a big book) that you were intimidated by, but found the story to be beautiful

Disney disney books beauty and the beast beast GIF

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon: This book is truly a monster. I have this flimsy paperback edition which is the perfect size to me. However, the edition includes Bible-thin pages, the smallest font you have ever seen, and long chapters. Yes, I was intimidated to read this. It took me two months to finish which is very long for me but I loved the book. Outlander is a time traveling adventure like no other.

Aladdin - a character who gets their wish granted, for better or worse

A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee: I just finished this book last week and let me tell you, it is definitely going on my favorites shelf. Monty wants nothing more than to go on his Tour with his best friend, being able to drink and go to parties. As the plot progresses, he gets his wish but not in the way he expected. The book is an adventure with lots of heart.

Mulan - a character who pretends to be someone they’re not

 mulan GIF

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski: I don’t want to give too much away with this one. The Winner’s Curse is filled with twists and turns, disguises and kidnappings. I absolutely adore this series.

Toy Story - a book with characters you wish would come to life

The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare: Can we have the whole Shadowhunter world come to life? I could get coffee with Clary. Simon and I would go listen to Eric’s awful poetry. Magnus would always throw the best parties. Jace and Will and all the shadowhunters—yes, please bring them all to life.

Disney Descendants - your favorite villain or morally ambiguous character

Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman: I really wanted to say Kaz Brekker from the Six of Crows duology but I’ve already used the book once so AIDAN gets the award for best villain. Who doesn’t love computers with a death wish?

I tag you! What's your favorite Disney movie? What book put you to sleep recently? Who's your favorite villain?

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  1. Yay, have so much in Disney! I love Disney World, it really is one of my favorite places.

    I totally agree with Outlander - kind of intimidating, but I'm so glad I read it!

  2. This sounds like such a fun tag! Also, whoa, happy birthday!! I hope you have a blast visiting the park!! I definitely agree with you about Six of Crows; that book has such an amazing and eccentric cast of characters. And I love them all so much :D

    Awesome post! Hope you have a great time on vacation!

    Ashtyn @ Wonderland’s Reader!
