10 Books I've Recently Unhauled

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

When I was in high school and just starting to buy/collect books to add to my shelves, I didn't believe in unhauling books. How could people give away their books? As my collection has grown from that initial 50 to what it is today, somewhere in the 1000s, I've changed my outlook on unhauling books. The act of unhauling books gives books-- I may not be interested in reading anymore or books I have read but did not enjoy-- a new home. And it's a win win for the books and for me. I get extra shelf space to buy books I want to read and the books are happy getting read somewhere else.

Short story, shorter: I've unhauled some books recently. Most of the following books are books I purchased years ago and really wanted to read them then but then, life happened and I have no interest in reading them anymore.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Books I've Decided I'm No Longer Interested In Reading.

The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling: It's like ripping off a band-aid, right? Getting rid of books you're probably not going to read anymore is hard. And it's J.K. Rowling! How could I? I bought this at my local used book store when it was just published. And it is J.K. Rowling so how could I not get it? But here it sits on my shelf, years after. And I don't even like mysteries. And 704 users on Goodreads have put the book on their Abandoned shelf. So, no, thank you.

No Safety in Numbers by Dayna Lorentz: We've discussed my problems with the dystopian genre before - it's just one of those genres that are hit or miss for me. I saw this one at bargain price and decided "why not? I'll give it a go." It's about a mall that is put on lock down after a mysterious object is found in its air ducts. It sounds cool but there's two more books in the series and I'm not ready to commit.

Scorched by Mari Mancusi: During high school, I was in love with Mari Mancusi's vampire series, Blood Coven. It was hilarious, action packed, with some romance sprinkled in. Her latest series which I was so lucky to receive at BEA is about dragons and magic. And, well, it shouldn't have taken me this long to realize I wasn't really interested in any book about dragons.

Thirst by Christopher Pike: In high school, I went through a huge vampire phase. Do you remember Twilight? And I purchased every vampire book available. My shelves are still riddled with vampire love stories. I've unhauled a few through the years but have kept some in good faith, I may read them someday. This includes the rest of the vampire series I've started like The Morganville Vampire series, House of Night, Winterhaven series, and The Vampire Diaries series. However, since I haven't started Thirst and would have to commit to four or more bind-ups of vampire love, I'm going to pass.

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer: Same for werewolves. Even with the rivalry of werewolves and vampires some books seem to have, I've always been more into vampires than werewolves. Besides the Shiver books by Maggie Stiefvater (which I am most definitely keeping), I'm unhauling my werewolf books.

The Familiar: One Rainy Day in May by Mark Z. Danielewski: I adored House of Leaves by the same author. When my mother won the book on Goodreads, I thought I'd give it a try. But it's too daunting. 880 pages. 5 volumes of the series already published, set with a possible 26 books in the entire completed series.

Legacy by Molly Cochran: That bargain price box gets me again. I have the first two books in this trilogy and haven't read a word of them. I didn't know much about them when I purchased them. However, I don't foresee myself reading about witches anytime soon.

Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan: I got a paperback copy of this at BEA and have been holding onto it ever since. However, it's middle grade which isn't really my cup of tea.

The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova: Similarly to being done with most supernatural creatures, mermaids have been high on that list for a while. I like stories about mermaids; I could watch The Thirteenth Year on repeat but a book about mermaids... there's something about it that I just can't stomach. After hearing my mom's thoughts on the book (which were "It was okay."), I decided to say goodbye and rent some mermaid movies instead.

disney channel GIF

Take a Bow by Elizabeth Eulberg: After looking over my stats for last year, it seems that I haven't been reading as much contemporary as I once was. It's good that I'm branching out, reading more out of my comfort zone than ever before. But that also means that some contemp books are getting left unread and even left behind. After taking a look at all the contemp books I own, I've decided to unhaul a few, knowing I probably wouldn't get to them this year either. Go out in the world, books, and find someone else to read you.

What do you think about unhauling books? Have you unhauled any books recently?

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  1. Some new to me ones there, though I did read and enjoy Nightshade! I still have one of the spinoff/companions to read from that world! Though it's been ages since I read it!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. No Safety In Numbers has been hanging on by a thread on my TBR pile for a while. I also picked this up in a bargain bin. AND the 2nd book. But I haven't pulled the trigger on reading them.

  3. The only one I've read on here is The Casual Vacancy. I really loved it, but it's also quite literary, so it's not going to be for everyone (even J.K. fans!!) I've been getting rid of a lot of books I own and probably won't read recently as I need more room! It's still overflowing with books though. haha


  4. I love the idea of unhauling books - that's definitely something I could start doing more of....especially since I'm out of shelf room. I love that most of your reasoning was "Bought this ages ago and let's be honest - I won't read it." I need to start being that honest with myself.
    Thanks for sharing!

