
Top 10 Books on My Summer TBR (2020)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Can you believe it is already summer? I can’t wrap my head around it. During the pandemic, the world seemed to forget about spring and jumped right into summer. With my first semester of graduate school behind me, I hope to get some more reading done before classes start up in full swing in the fall. Even though this month is already full of books that I hope to read from my physical TBR, here’s even more books I hope to get to this summer.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Top 10 Books On My Summer TBR:

Permanent Record by Mary H. K. Choi: I adored Emergency Contact so I’m hoping to love Permanent Record. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard many things about this one and the things I’ve heard hasn’t been all that positive. However, the book cover is absolutely gorgeous and I’m still hoping to really love it.

Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler: I rarely preorder books but I decided to preorder this one because it sounded like something I would adore. Of course, I have yet to read it. Hopefully, I'll get to it soon.

Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore: I own this one and it likes to stare at me from my bookshelf. I purchased it on a whim because all of Booktube seems to rave how amazing it is. There’s only one thing though: I don’t like talking animals in books and this is about sisters who get turned into swans. I still want to give it a try but I’m so hesitant about it.

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas: I don’t have a copy of this one yet but I’m hoping to pick it up soon. I’ve been slowly waiting for all the hype to die down as I don’t want it to sway my opinion. Also, this book looks so huge so it’s a bit daunting to begin, totaling at around 800 pages.

Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers: I’ve had this on my shelf for a while now and when I heard the publisher was hosting a readalong for the entire series, I thought this the perfect time to read it. Alas, I’m a bit behind in joining the readalong so I’ll have to race to catch up. Yet, I’m so pumped to finally get to this series!

Furyborn by Claire Legrand: I’ve had this one on my shelf since the release date and every time I try to pick it up, I always get distracted by something else. The third book in the series will be releasing soon so I’m thinking of bingeing the whole series. It’s been a while since I’ve binged an entire series straight through so I’m excited!

Honor Lost by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre: I just received this in the mail a few weeks ago and I can’t wait to dive in. It’s the third in The Honors series, a science fiction series where unlikely friendships emerge when two humans are forced to journey inside a sentient being (the alien doubles as a space ship!) for a year. It sounds kind of strange, but it is so amazing and sadly underrated.

Hungry Hearts edited by Elsie Chapman: I have to pick this one up when I’m not hungry because I know that all the talk of amazing food in this book is going to make so hungry. This is a gorgeous short story collection that intertwines stories together that share a common theme: culture and food.

Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo: I haven’t purchased this one yet but it’s definitely on my list of to-dos. I read Acevedo’s With the Fire on High last year and completely loved the writing. I don’t know much about this new release but if Acevedo is behind it, you know it’ll be good.

The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski: The author of The Winner’s Curse trilogy has graced us with a new release. I cannot wait to read this! 

What are you reading this summer?

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  1. Clap When You Land is the best book I have read so far this year! Elizabeth Acevedo can do not wrong- an auto buy author for sure!

  2. I hope you get a lot of fun reading in before grad school starts up again.

    My TTT .

  3. Looks like you've got some fun reading ahead! I haven't read any of these, but CLAP WHEN YOU LAND is one I'm looking forward to reading sometime soon-ish. I hope we both love it!

    Happy TTT!

  4. Grave Mercy is so good! Have fun reading that one!

  5. Clap When You Land is showing up a lot today! Looking forward to your review! I still haven't read Emergency Contact but recently moved it up on my list. I hadn't heard of Hungry Hearts but it looks great- just added it to my TBR! Thanks for putting it on my radar!

  6. Ooh nice! Some new to me ones here. I need to plan to read Maas' book on a vacation day! Would love to knock that one out of the park when I have time off! Hope you enjoy all of these this summer!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Congrats on surviving a semester of grad school. I want to pick up Grave Mercy eventually. It’s been recommended to me often. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. I'm really looking forward to Maas's newest! :)

    Check out my TTT and my review of Sword and Pen by Rachel Caine
