
10 Book Influencers You Should Definitely Follow

Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Happy Tuesday! It's always a lovely day to chat about our favorite book influencers. I am always looking out for bookish people to follow and support on the various social media platforms, and I would love for you to share your favorite influencers in the comments so I can go and follow them too. I adore scrolling on social media and finding new books to read and the latest bookish news I may not have known yet. There are so many amazing influencers out there that it was difficult to narrow this list down to ten.

While the theme for today's Top Ten explores bookish people I'd like to meet, I switched it up a little to shoutout some great creators. Though, I would love to meet all the bookish people listed down below, even just to discuss favorite reads. Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created and hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Top Ten Bookish People I'd Like to Meet:

CG Drews of Paperfury

Kayla of Booksandlala

Thais of Tata.lifepages

Bill of Billreads

Kat of Rusticpages

Olivia of Oliviareadsalatte

Joel of Fictionalfates

Rosie of Merrowchild

Danny of Thebookorder

Andrew of Okaysobooksically

Let me know some of your favorite book influencers!

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  1. What a lovely list!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-people-id-like-to-meet/

  2. I hadn't heard of any of these, so thanks for sharing.

  3. I've not heard of most of these people, but I do love CG Drews' Instagram account, I've been following her blog and Instagram for years! She was actually really lovely and did a Q&A with me for my blog about her books a few years back.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/03/07/top-ten-tuesday-410/

  4. Ooh nice list! These are all new to me people!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I follow my favorite book bloggers on Instagram, but that's about it. I'm not much for social media. I'm glad you have so many fun influencers to follow, though!

    Happy TTT!
