Follow Friday

Follow Friday: Undiscovered Talent

Friday, September 11, 2015

It's almost the weekend; it's Friday! Today, I'm participating in the #FF Feature and Follow hop, created by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  Go follow them-- they are the best!
Undiscovered talent – tell us about a book you loved but no one else seems to have heard of. It can be new or old, any genre. Let’s spread the love.
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Ink by Amanda Sun, or--in general-- the whole Paper Gods series?  I haven't finished this series but the third  and final one came out in June.  Those books are fantastic.  Set in Japan, the protagonist, Katie, is struggling with the language barrier in her new school and also wondering about a mysterious student who makes doodles move.

Go read them.  Amanda Sun has truly created something original, gorgeous, and attention-grabbing!  You can read my review of Rain or just check them out on Goodreads (Ink, Rain, Storm).

Be sure to check out these awesome posts:

Dumplin' by Julie Murphy (and giveaway!): This book doesn't release until next week but I reviewed it a little early for a chance to giveaway two copies (that means two winners) and for those winners to have it in their hands right after the book is released.  
Top Ten Completed Series I Haven't Finished: It's a fact that I have a hard time finish series.  Take a look at some series that I should definitely get reading but haven't yet.
Thoughts from a NYC Editorial Intern (Part 1): A country girl got to go to the big city this summer for an internship of a lifetime and there are a few things she will never forget.

What book have you loved and no one else seems to know about?

Follow Friday

FF: Publishing Industry

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Friday, so that means that I get to hop around and see all the other awesome blogs out there.  So while I'm taking a break from wrapping last minute presents, I thought I would go hopping and work on the site.  Next week is Best of 2012 week and I might be doing a special giveaway for you all so stayed tuned for that.  Anyway, it is Friday and everyone knows what that means: the Friday hop which is hosted by Parajunkee.  Check out today's question:

Well, pretty much everything.  I started The Bucket List as a junior in high school and knew absolutely nothing about the publishing industry except what I've seen in movies like The Proposal and Elf.  I am getting to know more every year and it just makes me want to become a book publisher even more.

What have you learned?  Hope you have a great weekend and a happy holiday!

Follow Friday

FF: I'm Back!

Friday, December 14, 2012

It's Friday, so that means that I get to hop around and see all the other awesome blogs out there.  It also happens to be the first Friday of Winter break.  It was a good semester and I am waiting to get all my grades back on finals.  Hope I did well!  I'm here until mid January and I'm currently planning The Bucket List's annual book discussion.  If you are interested in participating in 2013's Book Discussion  don't hesitate to email me; I will be discussing Divergent by Veronica Roth.  Anyway, it is Friday and everyone knows what that means: the Friday hop which is hosted by Parajunkee.  Check out today's question:

I don't really cry when I read books or watch movies.  It's odd, I know but I don't cry even when its sad or awful.  I do, however, get emotional and start yelling, screaming, and/or whimpering at the book or movie.  It's just a thing I do and all my friends think it's hilarious because it entertains them to watch me read something.  The last book I got terribly emotional with was Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi.  It must have been the scene where Warner touched Juliette and for a girl who can't touch anyone, that was a big deal.  The only time I am dramatic about something is when I am reading a book or watching a good movie, otherwise I seem pretty robotic (just kidding but sometimes it does seem like most of my emotions are going into the book I am reading).  

So what book have you read lately that has made you cry or become emotional?  Have a great weekend and read lots of good books and go see The Hobbit because it was fantastic! (movie review coming Monday)  

Follow Friday

Friday Hop

Friday, August 17, 2012

It's Friday, so that means that I get to hop around and see all the other awesome blogs out there.  It also happens to be the last Friday that I get to spend at home for a while.  I am going to college on Monday and won't be back until Fall break.  Wish me luck with that because I still have a bunch of packing to do and I'm going to the Renaissance Faire tomorrow.  Keep on the look out for an awesome Birthday giveaway for you: The Bucket List is turning 2 years old next week!  Anyway, it is Friday and everyone knows what that means: the Friday hop which is hosted by Parajunkee.  Check out today's question:

What blogger inspires you? It can be any kind, it doesn’t have to be a book blog.
 I have two bloggers that inspire me.  (Well, quite a few bloggers, but only two blogs.)  The entire crew, Heather, Danny, and Pushy at Bewitched Bookworms inspire me.  Their blog is gorgeous and is always filled with original content that I want to read.  They know how to get their audience involved and I am definitely striving to get to their level; they inspire me to be a better blogger.  The other blog that I fell in love with was actually the first book blog that I had ever run across.  Bloody Bookaholic is run by Taschima (aka Natascha) who is made of awesome.  She always has something to say on her site and I can spend hours looking at her posts because she has such a way of putting things.  I had such a pleasure of meeting both Danny from Bewitched Bookworms and Natascha at BEA this year.  I felt like I was meeting celebrities, they were famous people who do great things: read, review, and inspire.

Who inspires you?  I am looking forward to your response!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Happy reading!

Follow Friday

Friday Night!

Friday, August 03, 2012

Yeah, I know that it's Friday night and I'm not going out on the town (is that even a phrase anymore) nor am I doing anything fun except writing this awesome post for you awesome people.  You are awesome people, so much so that I am also giving away a copy of Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry.  You all need to check out this contest!  Anyway, it is Friday and everyone knows what that means: the Friday hop which is hosted by Parajunkee.  Check out today's question:

Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?
Oddly, not really.  When I am feeling depressed or bored, I don't want to read at all.  I do, however, read certain genres according to the different seasons.  I tend to read a lot more chick lit during the Summer.  Whereas in the Fall, I read paranormal.  In the Spring, I read dystopian or some action/adventure books and in the Winter, it's kind of varied.  It seems kind of weird and I hadn't really noticed it until someone pointed out to me that I read more of one type of genre than another type during different seasons.

Do you read a certain type of genre with the change of a season, like I do?   I am looking forward to your answers.  Hope you have a great weekend!  Happy reading!  And don't forget that awesome contest HERE!

Follow Friday

Follow Friday

Friday, July 27, 2012

So it's Friday, which doesn't really make a difference to me in the summer.  I do have off work tomorrow so that is a plus.  The best thing about today's Friday is that I get to share with you the answer to today's question.  Now, on to the Friday hop which is hosted by Parajunkee.  Check out today's question:

Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?

We read lots of fantastic books in school, mostly because I was in the AP English class and the teacher felt that reading the regular required reading was too average.  So my top three favorite books that I have read are The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry, and Life of Pi by Yann Martel.  We read some other cool books, but those are my favorite.

What is your favorite book in your school required reading pile?  I am looking forward to your answers.  Hope you have a great weekend!  Happy reading!

book discussion

Hop on Friday!

Friday, March 23, 2012

It's Friday!  My spring break is almost over so I have to use this time to go read and get ready for the Fallen Book Discussion that I told you about yesterday.  Don't forget to check out the awesome poll that I have on the left of the sidebar over there.  Now, on to the Friday hop which is hosted by Parajunkee.  Check out today's question:

What is the longest book you’ve read? What are your favorite 600+ page reads?
Let's see... well, the fifth Harry Potter book, The Order of the Phoenix, was very long.  But I also read The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, which was one of the favorites.  Plus, The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova was a bit long, but I read that one so long ago that I do not remember much about it.  I'm sure there are more that I have read but those are all that I can remember at the moment.  Out of those, my favorite would be The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, because Bray is always so brilliant.  

What is the longest book you have read?  I hope you all have a great weekend.  Happy reading!   

Follow Friday


Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Friday!  The more I think about the day, the more I want to turn back the clock and say it is last Friday.  Because this is the last Friday I spend at home until March, which would be fine with me if it didn't mean I had to leave all my books behind.  : (  It is not cool.  I have so little room at college that I have no where to put any books, mostly because I only get 25% of the room, while the roommate likes to take up space with her massive wardrobe.  I don't mind that much really but I'd like to have more time to read and I just don't.  But don't worry; what does all this complaining have to do with The Bucket List and all of you awesome people?  Ultimately, really nothing.  I'll try to keep up with posting, which may be difficult the first week or so, getting into a new semester and all.  But I'm not going away because I have some awesome plans.  Next Monday, the day I leave, I will be leaving you with a contest, so be sure to come back on Monday to check it out.  Then in April, I will be hosting The Bucket List's annual book discussion.  I will be talking about Fallen by Lauren Kate, in celebration of the release of Rapture.  If you are interested in participating, be sure to contact me HERE.  It doesn't matter that this may be my last Friday at home for a long time, because Friday is just an awesome day of the week.  Because every Friday I get to participate in an awesome meme.  Follow Friday from Parajunkee is a meme, a great way to make new friends. Here's the question below:

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to get your hands on any particular book?
I'm not known for doing anything crazy so this question took some thought.  I'd have to say it was for Twilight.  My cousin thought I would love the book, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, because I was always into Dracula and The Historian.  She let me borrow her copy and I finished it in a day.  By the time I was finished, it was around midnight.  But Twilight couldn't just end like that so I needed to get my hands on New Moon.  So I had my father drive me to my cousin's house, at midnight, wake them all and ask for the sequel.  This may not sound so crazy, but believe me, I still think it was.  I was only 13 years old at the time and waking up everyone in the house, just to borrow a book sounds crazy to me.  I don't even think I started reading it right away because it must have been way past my bedtime.

So I want to hear all about your crazy stories.  Happy weekend!

Follow Friday

Friday! It's Friday!

Friday, January 06, 2012

Yah!  Finally, it's Friday.  I don't really mind what day of the week it is, because I know it will be closer to the time when I go off to college.  As much as I want to go back and start a new semester and see all my friends, I would rather just stay here with all my books.  It would be much more cooler to read than to work on essays galore up at college.  Anyway, before I start complaining, my break is far from over yet so I'll just move on.  Anyway, Friday is the best day of the week. Because every Friday I get to participate in an awesome meme.  Follow Friday from Parajunkee is a meme, a great way to make new friends. Here's the question below:

Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?
This is just depressing...  just as a poor excuse, I have not been here in my house since August and only took ten books with me to college and have been renting from the local library so... ahh, I'll just tell you:

172 books
Isn't that awful?  I really need to get reading.  No more library for me.  Haha.

How much do you have on you shelves that you have not read? Happy weekend!!

I want to tell you all that I have thought about having another book discussion because last year's book discussion was very successful and this year I hope to make it even better.  That is why I am starting to plan it this early.  I'm not going to make an official post about it until closer to the start date which is in April.  We will be discussing Fallen by Lauren Kate, the discussion will last ten weeks and I will be giving away a lot of goodies that relates to the book.  If you would be interested in writing a guest post, whether you want to talk about how much you love the series or how much you hate it and why... or even if you have a specific question about the book that you want answered and discussed, I definitely want to hear all about it.  Please contact me HERE.  Thanks so much!

Follow Friday

Fridays are the Best

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's the holidays and, of course, I'm home for them so I'm trying to keep up with all the news that I've been missing.  College has been messing with my blogging schedule but I'm here until the end of January so I'm trying to post things left and right.  First stop, I'm hopping today.  Another thing: I'm shocked that my little brother has to go to school today and only gets next week off, what about you school-goers, how long do you have off?  What is going on?  It's holiday time! Anyway, Friday is the best day of the week. Because every Friday I get to participate in two awesome memes.  TGIF from GReads! is a meme that I just found a few weeks ago and would love to try out.  Follow Friday from Parajunkee is a meme, a great way to make new friends. Here's the question below:

If you had to spend eternity inside the pages of a book which book would you choose and why?

That’s an intriguing idea, living inside a book.  I think if I had to spend forever in there, I would want it to be somewhere very nice like Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.  A lot of people has responded that they want to live somewhere like in The Hunger Games or books like that, but I’d rather not be fighting for my life for eternity.  Anna and the French Kiss looks like a vacation next to The Hunger Games and that is exactly what I want for forever. 

Dear Santa: Which books made it to your Christmas wish list this year?

I think the majority of my list was books, which is really bad since I have so much to read already.  But some of the top books I wanted were:
Passion by Lauren Kate
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
The Night Circus by Erin Morgoestern
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Tris and Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison

I look forward to your responses to some of these questions; what book would you live in and what books do you want most on your Christmas list? 

Stay Tuned for next week’s BEST OF 2011 week, where each day I will give you my favorites of the year.  And then topping off the week, next Friday, some of your favorite authors will give you their favorites of the year.  Come and stop by.

Happy holidays and happy reading!

Follow Friday

Friday, Friday!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ever since, I got to college, it's study, study, study.  I took a moment from that crazy textbook world to actually do something nice for a change and decided I wanted to do a post.  I have off class for a few days, so I've been scheduling posts left and right.  Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you.  Anyway, Friday is the best day of the week. Because every Friday I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee is a meme, a great way to make new friends. Here's the question below:

What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?

I'm going to have to say: Nevermore by Kelly Creagh.  Ahhh, I loved this book so much.  You can read my review HERE or read more about it HERE.  This book would be perfect for film and I've thought long and hard on who should play my two favorites, which are the two main characters. 

Varen, in the book, is a bit of a goth, obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe-- he's a little creepy at times and says a lot through his emotions and facial expressions (or at least I thought he did when I was reading).  So I decided to cast Ian Somerhalder as Varen.
Isobel is a cheerleader, but not your typical, cliche cheerleader; she can be fierce when she wants to. So I wanted to find someone who could play the role as a cheerleader, but also not fall under the category as a cheerleader. That is why I decided to cast Laura Ramsey as Isobel.

I wish Nevermore was a movie, because I think the book would translate well for film. I look forward to seeing all of your opinions on my cast and also seeing what books you want to be turned into movies. Have a great weekend! Happy reading!

Follow Friday

Friday Hop

Friday, August 19, 2011

Off to college on Sunday.  I am so nervous and excited, I just don't know what to do anymore.  I should be packing but I've decided to do it last minute.  Packing won't be so bad.  And I've already packed my clothes (which turned out to be a bad idea), but now I have almost nothing to wear until Sunday.  Don't worry, I plan to keep you posted.  I've been thinking if I should keep the blog up and running for the first few weeks I start college.  I'm going to try to because the blog's birthday is in 4 days.  I planned big things!  All I have to do is to keep in the mind set that Kody Keplinger wrote her first book, The DUFF, in college; then I think I can read and keep the site running.  Are you a college student book blogger?  How do continue with your blog while having so many classes and so much homework?  Anyway, after I hop for a bit, I'm sitting down to read instead of packing. Yep, I am a rebel. Onward to the point of this post: Friday is the best day of the week. Because every Friday I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

 If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?
I would love to be a part of the Hunger Games.  I thought long and hard on what role I would play and I finally came up with it!  I want to be Haymitch's cleaning lady.  I'm not quite sure if they had cleaning ladies, I know there wasn't any in the books, but I think that would be cool.  Haymitch was one of my favorite characters, because I loved his attitude.  Cleaning his house would be so much fun, but just being there with one of my favorite characters would be beyond awesome!

What’s the LONGEST book you’ve ever read?
I'd have to say one of the textbooks for school.  They are so long and then they expect you to take notes and highlight.  Ugh.  If we are talking about the books I review here, then I'd have to say The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray.  I was about thirteen or fourteen when I first started the book, after accidentally dropping the poor thing in the snow, I decided it needed time to dry.  The whole series sat on my shelf for a whole year.  Then I decided to read it again.  The third on, The Sweet Far Thing, has 819 pages.  I might have read more books with more pages than that, but that one comes to mind.

I'd love to hear what book you want to be a part of.  Happy reading and hopping!  Have a great weekend!  And don't forget, the author of Babe in Boyland, Jody Gehrman is giving away a copy of her book on my blog.  Find out how to enter HERE

Follow Friday

Booking It On Friday

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wow, how time flies.  I just remembered that it's Friday.  How could I forget a thing like that?  I'm currently packing for college, I leave in a little more than a week.  I miss reading but I'm sure I'll find time to catch up on books while at school, right?  If you are in college, how much time do you get to read?  A lot of the teachers (or profs) say that students will be too busy studying to have a life and continue their hobbies.  Is that true?  Anyway, after I hop for a bit, I'm sitting down to read instead of packing.  Yep, I am a rebel.  Onward to the point of this post: Friday is the best day of the week. Because every Friday I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?
I basically will read a bit of everything.  Right now, I am in the need for some chick-lit.  If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

“Let’s talk crazy book titles! Highlight one or two (or as many as you like!) titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles! If you can’t find any, feel free to find one on the internet!”
I haven't read the books yet, but the whole series of the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson sound so strange.  The first one caught my eye: Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging.  Then comes: On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God.  Not only do these books have long titles, but they also sound extremely interesting.  There are about 10 in the series, so I'm not going to list them all for you but if you want to hear more crazy titles, you can go HERE and check out the whole series.

I hope everyone has read a great deal this week and is ready to enjoy some reading over the weekend as well.  I'm curious to hear what your crazy titles are and what your habits or genre is now.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

Follow Friday

Just Hoppin' On By

Friday, July 29, 2011

I haven't done a hop in a while and I know I am a bit late but I'm going to do one anyway.  It's been a long week.  I know I haven't been reading much and I apologize.  There are all these college preparations-- trying to fit my room into just one side of a dorm room is not going to be easy.  And where to put all my books, that is the question.  But those are just lousy excuses, because in truth, it's Friday, the best day of the week and I only finished one books this week.  *sigh*  I've decided I'll hop for awhile and then go read, sounds like a plan, yes?  Every Friday I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below: 

Let's step away from books for a second and get personal. What T-Shirt slogan best describes you?

I'm not sure if you can read the shirt that well.  I tried my best finding a picture, but my computer picks such a great time to be so slow.  Anyway, it says "Careful, or you'll end up in my novel." (I may be missing a word, but I can't see the words that well either.)  I should really get this shirt.  I saw it in the store once and had to just smile.  It is just so Taylor Swift, how she writes her previous boyfriends into country songs.  The shirt is awesome and it totally describes me.
“Highlight one book you have received this week (for review, from the library, purchased at the store, etc.) that you can’t wait to dig into!”
I got Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater from my local bookstore.  I know there is a lot of hype surrounding the novel, so I wanted to find out what the fuss was all about.  Werewolves are not really my thing; I'm more of a vampire, fairy type of girl, but Shiver looked interesting.  Check it out.
the cold.
Grace has spent years watching the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—watches back. He feels deeply familiar to her, but she doesn't know why.

the heat.
Sam has lived two lives. As a wolf, he keeps the silent company of the girl he loves. And then, for a short time each year, he is human, never daring to talk to Grace...until now.

the shiver.
For Grace and Sam, love has always been kept at a distance. But once it's spoken, it cannot be denied. Sam must fight to stay human—and Grace must fight to keep him—even if it means taking on the scars of the past, the fragility of the present, and the impossibility of the future.--Goodreads
So there you have it, folks.  If you've read Shiver, I would love to hear your thoughts on it or you could even leave the link to your review.  Hope you have a great weekend! 

Follow Friday

Sunny Friday!

Friday, July 15, 2011

As much as I wish it wasn't sunny, because driving the tractor takes away from my reading time, it happens to be sunny until Monday.  Wow, now this is going to be fun.  Still it is Friday, the best day of the week! And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

What do I do when I are not reading?
Well, I blog, of course.  But I do work on a farm, driving tractors and feeding cows.  It's not as fun as reading but it'll have to do.  I'm also getting ready to go to college, packing my room up (you never know how much stuff you keep in there until you have two suitcases to fit the entire thing in there). 

How/Where do you get your books? Do you buy them or go to the library? Is there a certain website you use like paperbackswap?
I get my books anywhere and everywhere.  I buy most of my books at my local Borders, as well as my local library.  However, when I say local they're about an hour away, so I try to stack up while I'm there like it's the Great Depression.  I've never heard of paperbackswap, but now I'm definitely going to check it out. 

Happy Friday!  I look forward to what your responses are to these questions!

Follow Friday

Storms all Day Friday

Friday, July 08, 2011

Not to sound like a weather woman or anything, but where I am, they've been calling for storms all day and I haven't seen one drop until it poured this afternoon.  This is why the post is so late.  I didn't want my computer to blow up with all the lightening, but just my luck, it didn't rain when it was supposed to and now I'm wondering if I should just turn the computer off, but I suppose I can get hit by lightening a few times.  In other news,  it is Friday, the best day of the week! And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

Let's step away from besties...What is the worst book that you've ever read and actually finished?
It was a book for school, naturally.  The Tortilla Curtain got 2 stars (I can never give a book a 1, unless it's worse than this one) and I couldn't even review it because I just couldn't put into words how much I hated this book.  It was one of those books that made you depressed.  It wasn't even that long, it just made me want to burn the thing because it was simply awful.  Despite of having lots of worthy description, the plot was terrible.  (Spoilers Ahead!) I made a list, while reading in case I had a test in Literature Class, of most of the awful things that happened (these events are not in order):
  • coyote kills dog #1
  • Candido gets hit by a car
  • Candido drinks unfiltered water and gets sick
  • Delaney's car is stolen
  • America is raped when pregnant
  • Kyra's place gets graffiti-ed
  • coyote kills dog #2
  • Jack Jr. ransacks Candido's camp
  • America has to go looking for work
  • America has to scrub Buddhas and put up with this fat, rich man
  • Everyone's Thanksgiving sucked!
And that's only part of this tragedy, I didn't even go into the ending.  I'm rambling, I know, but don't waste your time on this one.  There are some pretty happy books out there, and this is not one of them.

This week’s question isn’t a question at all! I thought I would do things a little differently this week and give all of you a chance to promote a giveaway (or two!) from the blogosphere.
Trying to end today's post on a happy note: I found two giveaways that I've been dying to get my hands on.  The first is Logan E. Turner's giveaway of Spellbound and The EspressologistAnd the second is a giveaway for A Need so Beautiful, from the 365 Days of Reading

I'm looking forward to finding lots of awesome giveaways, as well as the worst books that I know I should stay away from.  Have a lovely weekend!!  Happy reading!

Follow Friday

Friday with a Case of Sunburn

Friday, July 01, 2011

Yeah, it's Friday, but the reason I may not be too happy about it is because, due to the craziness that has been my workplace (I work on a farm) this week, I have a bad case of sunburn.  Not cool.  I am just happy that the farm waited until my graduation was finished to go into overdrive.  But in better news, it is Friday, the best day of the week! And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

ACK! Your favorite book/movie character (example Hermione Granger played by the Emma chick) just walked into the room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? You get extra points if you include visual stimulation.
I saw Something Borrowed awhile back.  You can read the movie review HERE and my book review HERE.  Dexter is such a cutie in the book and it was great seeing him onscreen.  So if he, as in Dexter played by Colin Egglesfield, walked into the room?  I think I would scream, jump up and down a few times like a fangirl and then faint (in that order).  And maybe try to faint in his arms, of course.  He is just so adorable. 

What keeps you reading beyond the first few pages of a book, and what makes you want to stop reading a book and put it back on the shelf?
Usually I try really hard not to stop reading when I'm already a few pages in.  I guess, I'm stubborn and refuse to stop no matter what. 

So I definitely want to hear about your responses to today's questions.  Happy reading and hope you have lovely weekend!

Follow Friday

Hoppin' Around

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Friday, the best day of the week! And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

In light of the Summer Solstice. Also known as Midsummer...let's talk about fairies. What is your favorite fairy tale or story that revolves around the fae?
I really don't like reading books about the fae.  I'm always very hesitant to read them, at least.  However, when I first read Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr a few years ago, I had to read the rest in the series.  I love that series, but still haven't had a chance to read Darkest Mercy, which I hear is fantastic. 

When did you realize reading was your passion and a truly important part of your life?
I hated to read when I was younger.  In school, I would always skim my way through books.  I always had better things to do, I suppose.  (Which I didn't, but that is probably what I thought back then.)  I was a movie buff (still am), not a reader.  It wasn't until I saw this beautiful movie, Tristan and Isolde (starring James Franco and Sophia Miles), that I felt I needed to read something about the Romeo and Juliet-like couple.  I begged my school librarian to order the books just for me; she let me keep them over the whole summer while I poured over each word, hung onto every page, and I don't even think I ate a thing for a whole two days (reading the first in the series).  The books, starting with Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle, is not something a 7th grader should be reader, but it did get me reading.  After that I couldn't stop reading, that's probably when I realized that reading is much better than a lot of things. 

I'm really looking forward to all of your responses on today's questions.  I definitely want to hear about other great fae books that I might be missing out on.  Happy graduation for all those graduates this weekend (I'm graduating tomorrow)!  Have a lovely weekend! 

Follow Friday

First Friday of Summer!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My school let out on Tuesday and I was just so excited for my break to begin.  Now I get to spend even more time reading which is always a plus.  And it's Friday, the best day of the week!  And do you know what that means? I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?
My favorite genre changes from time to time, but as of right now I'm in love with chick-lit novels.  If you asked me in December if I would read something so gushy and girly such as a chick-lit or romance, I would have definitely turned it down.  But I was inspired by all the positive reviews Anna and the French Kiss were getting that I just had to read that one.  Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins changed my view on the entire genre.  Since then, I've fallen in love with Maureen Johnson's work and I still don't know how I'm going to wait for Lola and the Boy Next Door.

How many books are currently in your To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile?
Wow, now that I look at the actual number, I need to learn how to read faster or something.  There is, right now, 384 books in my pile.  All of those books can be found HERE.  But I update that list everyday so it's always changing.  That's a lot of books.  But if you have any awesome recommendations, I'm always on the lookout for more.  I know, I'm a book addict or in other words: crazy for books. 

I'm definitely interested in how many books you have in your TBR pile.  I hope you all have a great weekend!  Happy Father's Day for all of you Dads!

Follow Friday

It's Friday!

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's been a sad and happy day!  Friday has been my favorite day of the week since as long as I can remember, but today I realized I'll be graduating soon.  Yeah, I'm going off to college (don't worry, hopefully it will not tamper with my blogging schedule too much).  So today at school, I was feeling all blue.  It was my last Friday in high school.  Last pizza and cookie day (my school only serves pizza and cookies on Friday).  Last cake of the week, last almost everything.  I was a little upset but I can't wait for summer to begin and I'll definitely be spending it with my head in a book or hanging out with my friends. 

Anyway, even though it was the last Friday of high school, there will still be plenty of Fridays to spend with you, guys.  And do you know what that means?  I mean, I get to participate in two awesome memes. Follow Friday from Parajunkee and Blogger Hop from are Friday memes, a great way to make new friends. Here's the questions below:

The magic book fairy pops out of your cereal box and says "you and your favorite character (from a book of course) can switch places!" Who are you going to switch with?
Wow, this question sounds like its in celebration of the new movie, coming out August 5, The Change-Up.  You can find details HERE (the only reason I'm stalling my answer is because I have no clue what to write).  This question is definitely difficult to respond to.

I probably would love to change places with Elizabeth Holland, from my favorite series The Luxe by Anna Godbersen.  Liz is such a charming and strong character that I love her to death.  First, the books are set in the late 1800s in Manhattan.  So, in that, I think that would be enough reason to switch places with her.  Not to mention (well, I am mentioning it-), in the first book she runs off with this hot stable boy.  Though I didn't approve of all her choices in the books, I could change her actions if I wanted because I'd still have my brain, just someone else's face.

Who is the ONE author that you are DYING to meet?
Well, I'm here to confess something.  I've never actually met an author in person.  I know, I'm a book blogger, I should go to signings or something.  But I live in the middle of no where and the chances of meeting anyone in a five-mile radius is a shock.  So if I met one author, to sit down with him would be amazing (even though those chances are majorly slim), that author would be Barry Lyga.  Barry Lyga's voice rings so clear and fantastically wonderful in my mind when I read his work that if I had the chance to meet him in real life, I would probably be too shy to even say a word; I'd just be in awe.  Lyga is freakin' awesome!

I first read The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl back in 7th grade and I remember how astonished and blown away by Lyga's story.  Then in tenth grade, I got my hands on Hero-Type, which didn't sound like my type of book (but I knew that if it had Lyga's name on it, it had to be great) but even when I went on vacation to Disney World, I stayed up all night reading it in my hotel room.  Now a senior and I read Boy Toy in November (and loved it!).  I wish I could say I've read all his books, but he has tons more.  But being able to meet him has been on my bucket list for a long time.

So, what are your responses to the questions above, I'm dying to know what author is on your bucket list?  I hope you all have a lovely weekend!  Enjoy this summer weather!